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Te Pātuitanga Kaiwhakarato Paparua | Dual Provider Partnership Agreement 2024

You will need to accept this Dual Provider Partnership Agreement (DPPA) (also known as Service Level Agreement) digitally in TES before beginning your first enrolment application for the year.

Summary of key points in this Agreement

The DPPA outlines the respective responsibilities of Te Kura and dual provider organisations and schools.

The dual provider school or organisation retains all legislative accountabilities for its dual ākonga (students).

Te Kura provides curriculum adaptation and curriculum capability, including providing kaiako (teacher) feedback and feed-forward on work submitted.

The dual provider school or organisation needs to determine a learning programme for their ākonga and support them to meet the following expectations for each Te Kura course they are enrolled in:

The dual provider school or organisation retains all responsibility for the attendance and pastoral care of their ākonga (including international ākonga).

Your school’s Te Kura coordinator will need school time allocated to effectively carry out the tasks. The Principal, Principal’s Nominee, Te Kura coordinator, parents/guardians and kaiako who work with Te Kura ākonga should all have access to the DPPA.

Please read the DPPA below in detail.

Download PDF of DPPA

Last updated on 20 November 2023

Aotearoa New Zealand has a world leading education system. A unique feature of our education system is the opportunity for many ākonga (students) to learn at their community school while also learning through Te Kura as a dual-enrolled ākonga. One of our key roles is to partner with dual providers of education, such as schools, Teen Parent Units, alternative education, Regional Health Schools and Activity Centres to provide ākonga with a curriculum that meets their needs and specialist programming or curriculum adaptation where needed.

Te Kura values the opportunity to work with hundreds of schools and providers across the motu to support the engagement, learning and achievement of their ākonga. Over the years we have forged powerful partnerships with schools and providers through our mutual focus on enabling ākonga to have enjoyable and successful learning experiences.

Thank you for choosing to work with us. This partnership agreement outlines how we would like to work with you. If you have any questions or feedback about this agreement, please contact your regional Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinator).

Te Rina Leonard
Chief Executive

Our Student and Whānau Support team is ready to help ākonga, whānau and Te Kura coordinators, as well as other kaimahi such as your additional teachers and teacher aides. The team offer assistance with access and use of the Te Kura Enrolment System (TES), enrolment eligibility queries, and My Te Kura (our online teaching and learning environment).

Contact: 0800 65 99 88 option 1 or hub@tekura.school.nz

There is a range of help and information:

Dual Providers – Getting Started

Dual Providers Āwhina | Support in My Te Kura

For any other issues or feedback please contact your Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinator).

This agreement outlines how we would like to work with you to best support your ākonga. This is based on how Te Kura can work most effectively with enrolling schools and providers, to ensure ākonga have the right programme, engage quickly in their Te Kura learning, and experience success.

There may be some additional items you wish to raise or add to this agreement that are particular to your ākonga and school or organisation. We invite you to discuss these with your Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinator).

We all want ākonga to enjoy learning and experience success. We are keen to work with you in the following ways.


  • will listen to you and respond in a timely way to any queries you have
  • ask you to keep us informed of any changes we need to know about your ākonga
  • require ākonga to submit at least one piece of assessable mahi (work) via My Te Kura dropbox each month in each course they are enrolled in, or have their engagement recorded by their Te Kura kaiako. Engagement recognises evidence of ākonga engagement and progress in their learning. This might include, but is not limited to, ākonga-led discussion of work with their kaiako in virtual meetings, emails and/or phone calls, uploading evidence to a portfolio, completing learning in Te Kura licensed online systems i.e. Education Perfect
  • ask that you make sure your principal and any kaimahi working with Te Kura are aware of the contents of this agreement.

The Ministry of Education Enrolment Policy details the circumstances under which you can enrol an ākonga with us.

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) Enrolment and Dual Tuition Policy

As the main school, you retain the legislative accountabilities for your ākonga while they are dual enrolled with Te Kura i.e. pastoral care, attendance, funding.

Further information:

Te Kura will do the following to ensure you have access to the information you need to register our ākonga with Te Kura.We ask that you do the following to enable ākonga to be registered with Te Kura as quickly as possible thereby enabling them to engage with their learning.

Provide a Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinator) for each region to support coordinators, assist with communications and any issues.

Publish information on our website and in My Te Kura for:

  • eligibility requirements
  • course offerings. Note: Kōwhiri (Choice) will be updated in January 2024 when NZQA registers the new NCEA Level 1 standards for 2024
  • modes of delivery
  • resources required
  • online learning
  • hardware and software requirements.

Check dual registration to make sure ākonga are registered under the gateway that meets their individual needs.

Ākonga who are found to be registered via a gateway they are not eligible for will be moved to a new gateway if applicable or withdrawn from Te Kura. We will advise you of any of these changes.

Contact you when we require additional information about an ākonga before registering.

Accept this DPPA (also known as Service Level Agreement) digitally in TES (Te Kura Enrolment System) before beginning your first registration for the year.

Ensure each application complies with the Ministry of Education’s enrolment and dual tuition policy, available here.

Ensure all relevant information is submitted with the application.

All dual enrolled ākonga must be attending their main school full time as per the MOE policy. Some learning may occur offsite where an ākonga is enrolled using the reintegration gateway. An agreement/learning plan with Te Kura is required which outlines how supervision will occur and how it will be measured that the ākonga is engaged in their learning.

Ensure the parent or guardian of each ākonga has been made aware of the registration with Te Kura.

Those not eligible for government funded dual tuition e.g. private school ākong. need to access fee-paying dual tuition by downloading an application form and emailing it to enrolment@tekura.school.nz

Withdraw or cancel a dual tuition registration via TES, as required.

Provide eligibility information as requested to support current registrations. E.g. ākonga registered under emergency staff vacancy are required to be reviewed each term.

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following

Ensure each ākonga has:

  • appropriate distance and online curriculum materials for the Te Kura courses they are enrolled in
  • access to information, including the quantity, quality and timeliness of work to be completed and returned to Te Kura
  • timely kaiako feedback and feed- forward during term time that encourages ongoing learning and achievement
  • access to kaiako via a range of communication channels during the school term
  • access to an online introductory course on working in My Te Kura, our online learning environment (The Hub)
  • access to paper-based resources in addition to online learning resources (applies to selected Learning Support ākonga only).

As your school is responsible for attendance and pastoral care (including international ākonga), you will need to provide a coordinator, appropriate supervision, with adequate allocation of school time, to help ākonga manage their Te Kura course work in a suitable learning environment.

Your school’s Te Kura coordinator will need school time allocated to effectively carry out the tasks expected.

Make parents/caregivers aware of dual tuition arrangements, prior to ākonga registration with Te Kura.

Develop a learning programme with ākonga and provide active supervision while ākonga are working on Te Kura courses to ensure they stay engaged and are progressing to meet their learning goals.

Provide ākonga with an appropriate learning environment, time allocation and equipment, including access to a computer with an active internet connection and course equipment as required by the module work.

Communicate with each ākonga and their whānau about ākonga progress.

Support ākonga to access Te Kura resources including logging on to My Te Kura, initially using their Te Kura ID as username and password, locating the course material, starting their online courses, submitting work through the dropbox and meeting deadlines. At least one item of assessable work needs to be dropboxed each month.

Ensure ākonga have the resources, including specific course materials and regular, sufficient access during the day to hardware and software they need for their Te Kura courses. See ‘What you’ll need’.

For all items sent to Te Kura by post, it is essential that the ākonga name and ID number are clearly recorded i.e. have a barcode ID label applied or the ākonga ID number written on each item.

Ensure ākonga behave appropriately in an online environment and comply with Te Kura cyber safety/digital citizenship policies.

Facilitate access to Te Kura kaiako by various means, including email, phone, video conferencing, etc. for both ākonga and your coordinators and supervisors.

See www.tekura.school.nz/about-us/policies/ for privacy, complaints policy and procedures information.

Use Te Kura access points including My Te Kura Ākonga Progress and TES login to monitor ākonga work return and results, ensuring that these login details are only used by authorised staff as information for multiple ākonga can be viewed.

Learning Support Ākonga

Provide Te Kura kaiako with any updated learning needs during the academic year, including the current skill levels, strengths and interests of each ākonga.

Ensure your ākonga have adequate support to complete learning tasks.

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

Provide data for each ākonga (student) on:

  • course registrations
  • completed work returned by ākonga
  • engagement and achievement as measured by work returns and assessments
  • feedback on work submitted via dropbox, including NCEA results
  • engagement feedback, the online timetable of classes, online programs etc.
  • NZQA standards assessment results awarded for all attempted standards.

Maintain records for each ākonga (student) on:

  • course registrations
  • work submitted to Te Kura by dropbox or post as appropriate
  • feedback and feed-forward provided to ākonga
  • assessment results including NZQA standards results as reported on the TES results screens
  • engagement, progress and work submission using My Te Kura and TES.

Please let us know if feedback or feed- forward is not helpful, or if the work is too easy or too hard.

Generate any reports to whānau required by your school using My Te Kura and TES.

We ask that you do the following things as the school of enrolment:

  • Ensure that formal assessments are completed under the specified conditions. These conditions will be clearly stated on the assessment activity and may include, but are not limited to:
    • a time limit
    • closed book
    • completed in one sitting
    • supervised for the whole time.
  • Guarantee that all ākonga submissions for assessment tasks are their own work and that no submission is plagiarised.
  • Apply to NZQA for any identified Special Assessment Conditions and notify Te Kura of any NZQA approved Special Assessment Conditions.
  • Have NZQA ‘Consent to Assess’ or be linked to a school with NZQA ‘Consent to Assess,’ and submit ākonga NCEA entries and results to NZQA through the enrolling school’s Principal’s Nominee using Te Kura provider code 498.
  • Arrange a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Te Kura if the enrolling school or the linked school does not hold NZQA ‘Consent to Assess’.
  • Ensure the school’s coordinator and Principal’s Nominee communicate regularly to ensure ākonga NCEA entries and results are reported to NZQA.
  • Complete Te Kura NCEA registration process for external assessments if your school has an MOU in place with Te Kura or only enrols ākonga up to Year 10.
Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

Provide ākonga with opportunities to gain NCEA internally assessed standards, offered by Te Kura, where ākonga are working at an appropriate curriculum level.

Provide regular and timely assessment and feedback on work submitted to Te Kura, including results of NCEA standards assessment and information on further assessment opportunities where appropriate.

Offer ākonga the opportunity to appeal an assessment result and to follow the documented Te Kura appeals process.

Maintain records of internally assessed standards for each ākonga.

Provide reminders to check standards results available in TES.

Provide a reconciliation sheet of NCEA standards that will be sent to the Principal’s Nominee.

Discuss with each ākonga the appropriate internally assessed standards for their learning programme.

Encourage ākonga to contact their course kaiako about selecting appropriate internally assessed standards.

Enter all internal assessment results received via TES onto your student management system using Te Kura provider code 498 and consistent course codes for course endorsement.

Check the accuracy and ensure the security of results and include them in your NZQA file submissions.

Ensure that ākonga know of their right to appeal an assessment result and the process to follow.

Ensure that assessment tasks that specify supervision are supervised by an appropriate adult.

Ensure that ākonga working online know the name of their supervisor so they can enter this when submitting their assessment work to the My Te Kura dropbox.

Ensure ākonga understand the importance of the authenticity of work submitted for assessment.

Cooperate fully with Te Kura in the investigation of any authentication queries.

Ensure that ākonga understand Te Kura annual deadlines for submission of work, with regards to NCEA assessment opportunities.

Ensure that ākonga understand NZQA rules around resubmission and reassessment for internal assessment.

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

Provide opportunities for ākonga to prepare for assessment in NCEA externally assessed standards and scholarship awards where ākonga are working at an appropriate curriculum level.

Provide a complete standards list on the Principal Nominee's page on the Te Kura website. This lists external standards available for each Te Kura course.

Provide practice (derived grade) examinations and any relevant resources to school coordinators.

Provide timely feedback on formative assessment and practice examinations submitted to My Te Kura.

Maintain records of preparation for externally assessed standards for each ākonga.

Te Kura will not include any of the enrolling school’s ākonga in file submissions to NZQA unless the enrolling school is a primary, Years 7–10 school or has a signed MOU/subcontract with Te Kura.

Use TES or access the learning programmes on the Te Kura website to identify the externally assessed standards Te Kura offers, as well as course codes and titles that are available within each Te Kura course.

Ensure ākonga contact their course kaiako about selecting appropriate externally assessed standards.

The Common Assessment Activities (CAAs) for Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau are the responsibility of the provider.

Enter ākonga for all appropriate externally assessed standards in your student management system using Te Kura provider code 498 and consistent course codes for course endorsement. This includes, all external assessments.

Ensure that practice examinations are held under appropriate exam conditions, and that they are supervised by an appropriate adult.

Ensure that Te Kura deadlines for submission of practice examinations are met.

Ensure ākonga understand that authentication of work submitted for assessment is a serious matter.

To be successful when studying with Te Kura, ākonga should return work regularly, and be in contact with their kaiako about their programme. The Ministry of Education requires registering schools to ensure that each ākonga returns assessable work and/ or has at least one learning conversation with their Te Kura kaiako each month to share and discuss other evidence of progress in learning, for each course they are enrolled in.

Te Kura operates a Non-returners process as part of the Ministry of Education funding requirements. The Non-returners process requires that each ākonga submits at least one piece of assessable work for each subject, each calendar month.

If an ākonga is removed through the Te Kura Non-returners process, there is a 30 day window for the Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinator) to request reinstatement to the Enrolment Manager. If this request is declined, the ākonga is unable to register in that course for the remainder of the calendar year.

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

On the TES Non-returners screen, provide work return dates and monthly lists of ākonga with Non-returner status.

Send an email notification when no work has been submitted by an ākonga and/or there has not been at least one learning conversation with their Te Kura kaiako in the previous month.

This email will refer you to TES for details and advise that the ākonga will be automatically withdrawn from that course if they do not return work and/or have not have had at least one learning conversation with their Te Kura kaiako within the current month.

Ensure ākonga keep up with their Te Kura course work and submit work for assessment via My Te Kura dropbox (or by post, courier or email for paper- delivered courses) at least once a month for each course they are enrolled in.

Check the TES Non-returners screen each month to view the names of ākonga who have not submitted work and/ or have not had at least one learning conversation with their Te Kura kaiako for one month or more.

Contact the relevant Te Kura kaiako if work has been submitted but is not showing as being recorded.

Contact Te Kura urgently if an ākonga does not have sufficient work in a course, so this can be addressed.

Withdraw ākonga from a course or cancel a dual tuition registration via TES if the ākonga is no longer continuing with a course or their dual enrolment.

Contact the Kairuruku Hononga/Relationship Coordinator if there are exceptional circumstances that might explain the non-returner status.

Please refer to other information on services provided to dual enrolled ākonga (students).

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

Will communicate with you if we have any concerns about the pastoral care of ākonga.

Agree that the circumstances under which tuition provided to an international ākonga under this DPPA may be terminated are described under the Ko te Rēhitatanga | Pre-registration and Registration and Kāore i whakahoki mahi ma | Non-engaged ākonga (Non- returners) sections in this DPPA.

Te Kura cannot take responsibility for the pastoral care of dual enrolled international ākonga.

Are a signatory to the Code of Practice for Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code).

As a signatory to the Code, take responsibility for the pastoral care of any of your international ākonga who are subsequently registered with Te Kura.

Arrange accommodation for ākonga who require it.

Agree that the circumstances under which tuition is provided to an international ākonga may be terminated as described under the Ko te Rēhitatanga/Pre-registration and Registration section in this DPPA.

Be responsible for international ākonga conditions of acceptance including enrolment with your school, a current visa, a variation of conditions (if required), appropriate medical insurance, complaints procedure referencing the International Education Appeal Authority (IEAA) established by the Code, language proficiency testing and collecting and recording ākonga medical and travel insurance.

Be responsible for maintenance of learner records, including passport and visa information as per Code requirements.

Accept this DPPA digitally in TES before submitting fee-paying applications.

Will communicate to Te Kura any change in the circumstances of an international ākonga, including advising Te Kura of their current email address (see the Ko te Rēhitatanga/Pre-registration and registration section in this DPPA).

Please refer to other information on services provided to dual enrolled ākonga.

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

Will provide a Fee-Paying dual tuition form for Private School ākonga who need to access fee-paying dual tuition. Download a form and send to enrolment@tekura.school.nz

Agree that the circumstances under which tuition provided to fee-paying ākonga under this DPPA may be terminated. These are described under the Ko te Rēhitatanga | Pre-registration and Registration section in this DPPA.

Note: Te Kura has a continuous model of reporting, which replaced our previous model of twice-yearly reporting.

Please refer to the ‘Ko te whakahokinga mahi/Keeping records’ section in this DPPA.

Accept this DPPA digitally in TES before submitting the fee-paying applications from the Te Kura public website.

Ensure each ākonga application complies with the Ministry of Education’s enrolment and dual tuition policy, which is available here.

Ensure you support your ākonga as per the He Rāngai Tautoko Ākonga | Supporting ākonga Learning section in this DPPA.

Agree that the circumstances under which tuition to be provided to a Fee- paying ākonga under this DPPA may be terminated. These are described under the Ko te Rēhitatanga | Pre-registration and Registration section in this DPPA.

Will communicate to Te Kura any change in the circumstances of a fee-paying ākonga, including advising Te Kura of the ākonga current email address (see Ko te Rēhitatanga| Pre-registration and Registration section in this DPPA).

Te Kura will do the following:We ask that you do the following:

Please refer to other information on services provided to dual enrolled ākonga.

Provide a fee-paying dual tuition form for domestic school ākonga who need to access fee-paying dual tuition. Download an application form and email it to enrolment@tekura.school.nz.

Agree that the circumstances under which tuition provided to fee-paying ākonga under this DPPA may be terminated. These are described under the Ko te Rēhitatanga | Pre-registration and Registration section in this DPPA.

Note: Te Kura has moved to a new continuous model of reporting, which replaces our previous model of formally reporting twice a year.

Please refer to the Ko te whakahokinga mahi | Keeping records section in this DPPA.

Accept this DPPA digitally in TES before submitting any fee-paying applications from the Te Kura public website.

Ensure each ākonga application complies with the Ministry of Education’s enrolment and dual tuition policy, which is available here.

Ensure you support your ākonga as per the He Rāngai Tautoko Ākonga | Supporting ākonga Learning section in this DPPA.

Agree that the circumstances under which tuition to be provided to a fee- paying ākonga under this DPPA may be terminated. These are described under the Ko te Rēhitatanga | Pre-registration and Registration section in this DPPA.

Will communicate to Te Kura any change in the circumstances of a fee-paying ākonga, including advising Te Kura of their current email address (see the Ko te Rēhitatanga | Pre-Registration and registration section in this DPPA).

  1. See the Privacy page on our website.
  2. Increasingly, Te Kura is facilitating access for its ākonga to a variety of online education providers. These sites are designed for the New Zealand Curriculum and NCEA, and Te Kura recommends these sites to its ākonga as they provide valuable learning resources which supplement Te Kura courses. Use of these sites lets ākonga fill gaps in their learning or access aspects of courses not easily presented in written lessons. Te Kura makes every effort to confirm that these sites have robust privacy policies and are secure in terms of maintaining personal data.
  3. To facilitate access to the sites, Te Kura may send to the provider the name, identification number and email address of each ākonga enrolled in related courses. The provider will then email the ākonga with registration instructions. Registration is not compulsory. If an ākonga does not want to register, they do not have to do so.
  4. Any ākonga or providers with questions, concerns or feedback about such online education providers, the sites, or the registration process should email admin.curriculum@tekura.school.nz.
  1. Te Kura has policies and procedures in place to cover complaints about Te Kura staff, policies, systems, services and processes.
  2. Where a provider, their ākonga and/or the whānau has a complaint about the ākonga registration with Te Kura, or where a Te Kura staff member has an issue with a provider, the complaint should be raised in the first instance with the regional Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinator), who will check whether there is a wider issue that needs to be addressed. The Kairuruku Hononga will discuss the matter, if warranted, with the Regional Manager.
  3. If the complainant feels that discussion has not produced a satisfactory outcome, or where the situation is considered to be urgent or very serious, the complainant should document the complaint in writing to the Chief Executive of Te Kura at comms@tekura.school.nz.
  4. An explanation of this process can be found here: https://www.tekura.school.nz/about-us/complaints-process

Click here to download the Letter for Parent/Guardian and ākonga (student) consent to study with Te Kura.