Early Childhood

Our Early Childhood programme supports learning at home in the early years. Qualified Te Kura kaimanaaki (learning advisors) work in partnership with ākonga and whānau to share information and develop a programme of learning aligned to Te Ara Pounamu, that is within the guidelines of Te Whāriki – The New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum. Resources include a mix of online learning activities and posted materials. This free programme is for tamariki (children) aged from 2 to 6 years.

 Our whānau have really enjoyed being part of Te Kura's ECE programme with my daughter. Being able to get out into the great outdoors and still being able to fit in so much learning, reading and writing while being together as a whānau is awesome and wholesome .We can't wait for our younger children to jump on board with it too. We highly recommend it for any family.

Rapatini Whānau

Whakawhanaungatanga - Collaboration and Connection

Early Childhood specialist kaiako (teachers) work hard to support and extend ākonga interests and areas of inquiry. Through regular feedback and examples of learning between whānau, ākonga and kaiako, we are able to support ākonga learning, enhancing the effectiveness of the programme.

In addition to online learning materials, ākonga may be sent additional resources to support their learning, and to respond to their interests and specific needs. Whānau and ākonga are also able to join our Te Kura library.

Events are also hosted throughout the country, offering ākonga an opportunity to meet with kaiako and other whānau on the programme.

Online learning resources are available through My Te Kura and Storypark, our interactive online learning environments. You will be provided with access to these resources through a unique username and password.